


Full Description

Generic Requirements for SONET Network Management Systems (NMSs)

Document Number GR-3001
Issue Number 02
Issue Date Dec 1999

    ABSTRACT: Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) transmission equipment provides high-speed data transport. SONET equipment includes network elements such as Add/Drop Multiplexers (ADMs); Digital Cross-Connect Systems (DCS's); Element Management Systems (EMS's), which manage groupings of network elements; and Network Management Systems (NMS's), which manage groupings of EMS's and possibly network elements.

    This document provides generic requirements for SONET NMS's. The scope of this document includes the definition of management architectures relevant to SONET NMS's; functional requirements (grouped into six functional categories - Configuration Management, Fault Management, Performance Management, Security Management, Accounting Management, and Common Operations Management); and system requirements for the NMS itself. This document does not provide detailed interface specifications for NMS's, but does reference relevant interface standards.

    Updates from Issue 1 include addition of a description of the dual transmit ring interconnection method; support for client assigned labels; support for inventory discovery, auditing, and resynchronization; and the addition of a new section on accounting requirements. The criteria have been updated to be aligned with changes in other GRs and in SIF and ITU-T standards bodies.

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